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Winner List for 2022-2023 Academic Year Dean Scholarship

发布时间:2024-04-25 19:27:02 点击次数:

Please check the winner list of MBBS Dean Scholarship for 2022-2023 Academic Year, the   attachment1.

(1)The publicity lasts for three days from April 25-27.If there are any questions, please contact us before 17:00PM, April 27, 2024. (Beijing Time)

(2)Please check if your name is correct or not on the list, we will prepare the certificate accordingly, if the name needs to be revised, please send your student number and the correct name to the email address: jzhai@tongji.edu.cn before 17:00PM, April 27, 2024.Beijing Time

(3) If you have got Dean Scholarship before, please fill out your bank information (only Agricultural Bank of China or Bank of Communications is available) to the attachment 2.

If you have not got Dean Scholarship before, please open two kinds of bank account as soon as possible and then fill out the form  (attachment 2) and send the bio-page of passport, photocopies of student card and bank card to the email address jzhai@tongji.edu.cn once you have received the bank card.

Tongji University School of Medicine

April 25, 2023

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