车琳副教授、医学博士、博士生导师,太阳成集团附属同济医院心内科主任医师。2006年赴日本群马省心血管病医院学习运动心肺功能评估和心脏康复,2016年在美国UCLA Harbor医学中心做访问学者,2016年9月考取美国心脏康复专业认证(CCRP)。
Dr. Lin Che, AssociateProfessor, MD; PhD supervisor, chief physician in the department ofcardiovascular medicine at Shanghai Tongji Hospital. She has learnedcardiopulmonary exercise evaluation and cardiac rehabilitation GunmaCardiovascular Hospital in Japan in 2006. Dr. Che studied in UCLA as a visitingscholar in 2016 and got the Certificate of Cardiac Rehabilitation Professional.
As a pioneerof cardiac rehabilitation in China, she gained a lot of praise for herprofessional knowledge and attitude. She is now working as:
Vice chairman of Cardiac Rehabilitation Committee, Doctor Societyof Integrative Medicine, Chinese Medical Doctor Association
Vice president, Cardiac Rehabilitation Committee, World Federationof Chinese Medicine Societies
Member of the 5th Cardiovascular Society, ChineseAssociation of Rehabilitation Medicine
Member of Doctor Society of Integrative Medicine, Chinese MedicalDoctor Association
Member of Sports Nutrition Committee, Chinese Nutrition Society
Member of External Counterpulsation Committee, Chinese Society ofBiomedical Engineering
Permanent member of Integrative Medicine of Cardiocascular Preventionand Rehabilitation, China Association of Promoting Traditional Chinese Medicine
Member of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Committee, ChineseMedical Association
Chairman of Coronary Disease Group and member of CardiacRehabilitation Committee, Shanghai Rehabilitation Medical Society
Member of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation Committee, RehabilitationDocctor Society, Chinese Medical Doctor Association
Effect and mechanism ofmiRNA-433 on improving ventricular remodeling post myocardial infarction(ongoing project). PI, General project of National Natural Funding;
As a principalinvestigator, she has completed 2 research projects of Shanghai Science andTechnology Committee and Shanghai Municipal Health Planning Commission.
As a member,she has participated and completed 2 major projects of Shanghai Science and TechnologyCommittee and Shenkang Program. Furthermore, she also participated 3 NationalNatural Funding Projects. So far, Prof. Che has published more than 20 papers,including 4 SCI papers.
As a key contributor ofcardiac rehabilitation team of Tongji Hospital, she has achieved some excellenthonors as the first author:
Research and Practice onestablishment of cardiac rehabilitation system: First Prize of Science andTechnology Award of Shanghai Rehabilitation Medicine in 2013;
Implementsof Aerobic Exercise Rehabilitation Scheme in Acute Myocardial InfarctionPatients: Second Prize of Science and Technology Award of ShanghaiRehabilitation Medicine in 2012.