护理管理(Nursing Administration);护理教育(Nursing Education);泌尿系统、心血管系统护理(Nursing of Urinary and Cardiovascular System)
太阳成集团附属同济医院护理部主任(Director of the Nursing Department of Tongji Hospital,Tongji University);上海市护理学会副秘书长(Vice executive secretary of Shanghai Nursing Association);中华护理学会委员(Committee member of Chinese Nursing Association);中华护理学会行政管理专业委员会专家库成员(Panel member of administrative professional committee of Chinese Nursing Association);上海市护理质控中心专家组成员(Panel member of Shanghai Nursing-quality control Center);上海市医疗事故鉴定组成员(Member of Shanghai Medical Accident Identification Organization);《中华护理杂志》编委(Editorial Board Member of Chinese Journal of Nursing);《上海护理杂志》编委(Editorial Board Member of Shanghai Nursing Journal).
科研成果(Scientific research achievement):
1.上海市第一届临床护理成果奖(The Prize of the Shanghai First Clinical Nursing Achievements Competition)
2.第四届上海市护理工作改进奖(The Consolation Prize of the Fourth Shanghai Nursing Achievements)
3.第六届上海市护理质量改进奖(The Consolation Prize of the Sixth Shanghai Nursing Achievements)
4.第十三届上海护理科技奖(二等奖)(The 13th Shanghai Nursing Science and Technology Award (second Prize)
5.第三十一届上海市优秀发明选拔赛职工技术创新成果奖(金奖)(Technical Innovation Achievement Award (Gold Award) for Employees in the 31st Shanghai Excellent Invention Competition)
近三年相关论文(Papers for nearly three years):
1.Xiaowen Qi,Juan Shan, Lei Peng, Cuihong Zhang, Fanglei Xu*, The effect of a comprehensive care and rehabilitation program on enhancing pelvic floor muscle functions and preventing postpartum stress urinary incontinence,Medicine,2019,98(35)):1532-1534.(corresponding author)
2.单娟,尤春芳,许方蕾 等.尿失禁知识宣教对老年腰椎间盘突出症围术期尿失禁患者排尿功能的影响[J].护士进修杂志,2019,34(22):2032-2035. DOI:10.16821/j.cnki.hsjx.2019.22.004. (通讯作者)
3.Shan Juan, You Chunfang, Xu Fanglei, etc.Influence of information education on urinary function in elderly patients with perioperative urinary incontinence due to lumbar disc herniation [J].Nurse education journal, 2019 (22) : 2032-2035. The DOI: 10.16821 / j.carol carroll nki HSJX. 2019.22.004. (corresponding author)
4.单娟,张静,许方蕾, 等.老年腰椎间盘突出症患者围手术期尿失禁护理方案的构建[J].上海护理,2019,19(11):9-13. DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1009-8399.2019.11.003. (通讯作者)
5.Shan Juan, Zhang Jing, Xu Fanglei, et al.Construction of nursing plan for perioperative urinary incontinence in elderly patients with lumbar disc herniation [J]. Shanghai Nursing,20,19(11):9-13. DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1009-8399.2019.11.003. (corresponding author)
6.张月,许方蕾,张丽亚.急性心肌梗死护理质量标准的构建[J].上海护理,2019,19(8):59-62. DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1009-8399.2019.08.016. (通讯作者)
7.Zhang Yue, Xu Fanglei, Zhang Liya.Construction of nursing quality standard for acute myocardial infarction [J]. Shanghai nursing,2019,19(8):59-62. DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1009-8399.2019.08.016. (corresponding author)
8.单娟,张静,许方蕾, 等.腰椎间盘突出症手术患者尿失禁症状相关因素分析[J].中华现代护理杂志,2019,25(11):1405-1408. DOI:10.3760/cma.j.issn.1674-2907.2019.11.020. (通讯作者)
9.Shan Juan, ZHANG Jing, Xu Fanglei, et al. Surgery patients with lumbar disc prolapse symptoms of urinary incontinence relevant factors analysis [J]. Chinese journal of modern nursing, 2019, 25 (11) : 1405-1408. The DOI: 10.3760 / cma. J.i SSN. 1674-2907.2019.11.020. (corresponding author)
10.张翠红,许方蕾,益伟清, 等.以护理结局分类系统为导向构建老年直肠癌患者围手术期尿失禁护理方案[J].中华现代护理杂志,2019,25(5):565-569. DOI:10.3760/cma.j.issn.1674-2907.2019.05.009. (通讯作者)
11.Zhang Cuihong, Xu Fanglei, Yi Weiqing, et al. A nursing plan for perioperative urinary incontinence in elderly patients with rectal cancer was established based on the classification system of nursing outcomes [J]. The Chinese journal of modern nursing, 2019, 25 (5) : 565-569.The DOI: 10.3760 / cma. J.i SSN.1674-2907.2019.05.009. (corresponding author)
12.张翠红,许方蕾,益伟清, 等.346例老年结直肠癌病人围术期尿失禁危险因素研究[J].全科护理,2019,17(11):1295-1298. DOI:10.12104/j.issn.1674-4748.2019.11.005. (通讯作者)
13.Zhang Cuihong, Xu Fanglei, Yi Weiqing, et al. Risk factors of perioperative urinary incontinence in 346 elderly patients with colorectal cancer [J]. General nursing,2019,17(11):1295-1298. DOI:10.12104/j.issn.1674-4748.2019.11.005. (corresponding author)
14.孙懿松,许方蕾,黄盛松.结肠造口并发坏疽性脓皮病1例多学科团队合作护理[J].上海护理,2019,19(6):61-63. DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1009-8399.2019.06.017. (通讯作者)
15.Sun Yisong, XU Fanglei, HUANG Shengsong. A case of colostomy complicated with pyoderma gangrenous: a multidisciplinary team nursing [J]. Shanghai Nursing,2019,19(6):61-63. DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1009-8399.2019.06.017. (corresponding author)
16.张翠红,许方蕾,益伟清.围术期老年结直肠癌病人尿失禁的研究进展[J].护理研究,2019,33(2):272-275. DOI:10.12102/j.issn.1009-6493.2019.02.020. (通讯作者)
17.Zhang Cuihong, XU Fanglei, Yi Weiqing. Advances in the study of urinary incontinence in perioperative elderly patients with colorectal cancer [J]. Nursing Research, 209,33(2):272-275. DOI:10.12102/ J.issn.1009-6493.2019.02.020. (corresponding author)
18.齐小文,许方蕾,彭蕾, 等.产后压力性尿失禁发生风险预测因素的综合分析[J].解放军护理杂志,2019,36(5):29-32. DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1008-9993.2019.05.007. (通讯作者)
19.Qi Xiaowen, Xu Fanglei, Peng Lei, etc. A comprehensive analysis of risk factors for postpartum stress urinary incontinence [J]. Chinese Journal of Nursing, 2019,36(5):29-32. DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1008-9993.2019.05.007. (corresponding author)
20.高燕,许方蕾.老年女性压力性尿失禁患者盆底肌训练依从性的研究进展[J].护理学报,2018,25(22):33-37. DOI:10.16460/j.issn1008-9969.2018.22.033. (通讯作者)
21.Gao Yan, Xu Fanglei. Research progress of pelvic floor muscle training compliance in elderly women with stress urinary incontinence [J]. Journal of Nursing,2018,25(22):33-37. DOI:10.16460/j.issn1008-9969.2018.22.033. (corresponding author)
22.彭蕾,陈雪妹,许方蕾, 等.运用Delphi法构建脑卒中尿失禁患者护理干预方案[J].中华现代护理杂志,2018,24(31):3781-3786. DOI:10.3760/cma.j.issn.1674-2907.2018.31.014. (通讯作者)
23.Peng Lei, Chen Xuemei, Xu Fanglei, etc. Construction of nursing intervention scheme for stroke patients with urinary incontinence by Delphi method [J]. Chinese Journal of Modern Nursing,2018,24(31):3781-3786. DOI:10.3760/cma.j.issn.1674-2907.2018.31.014. (corresponding author)
近三年参编专著(Monographs for nearly three years)
主编著作:新编当代护理学(上、下册) (上海:复旦大学出版社 2018)
Editor:Contemporary Nursing (Part 1 and Part 2) (Shanghai: Fudan University Press, 2018)
近三年国家专利(National patents for nearly three years):
1.2019/7/26 一种可调节空气压力的止血装置 CN209153849U ,2019/7/26 A hemostatic device for adjusting air pressure CN209153849U
2.2019/7/19 一种镜像治疗装置 CN209123314U,2019/7/19 The utility model relates to a mirror image therapy device CN209123314U
3.2019/7/12 一种多功能吸针盒 CN209091650U,2019/7/12 The utility model relates to a multifunctional needle aspiration box CN209091650U
4.2019/4/19 一种防污染检验标本转运箱 CN208761161U,2019/4/19 The utility model relates to an anti-contamination inspection specimen transfer box CN208761161U
5.2019/4/5 一种护垫 CN208693580U ,2019/4/5 A pad CN208693580U
6.2019/4/2 一次性使用安全型采血针 CN208677410U ,2019/4/2 Disposable safety needle for blood collection CN208677410U
7.2019/1/15 一种可脱卸静脉推注过滤装置 CN208372229U ,2019/1/15 The utility model relates to a removable intravenous injection filtering devic CN208372229U
8.2018/1/2 舒缩式功能锻炼康复球 CN206823067U,2018/1/2 Relaxation and contraction type functional exercise rehabilitation ball CN206823067U
近三年科研项目(Scientific research projects for nearly three years):
Shanghai Science and Technology Commission research project,Study and program construction of perioperative period urinary incontinence for elderly patients (16411951800),In charge, 50w, 2016.5-2019.9.30,Finished.(The first charge)
Shanghai Municipal Commission of Health and Family Planning research project,Construction of quality evaluation criteria for guiding discharge of senile patients with perioperative urinary incontinence,In charge ,2w,2020.1-2021.12,under study.(The first charge)
Shanghai Shenkang Hospital Development Center Project, Action research on "Regional Homogeneous Incontinence care Chain" model(SHDC12019616),In charge ,2w,2019.12-2020.11,under study.(The first charge)
Cientific research project of Shanghai Nursing Quality Control Center, exploration of "Internet + nursing service" based on hospital platform. ,In charge ,1w,2020.1-2020.12,under study.(The first charge)