中华护理学会糖尿病护理专业委员会青年委员会 副组长
Youth Committee of Diabetes Nursing Committee of Chinese Nursing Association,Deputy Group Leader
上海市护理学会糖尿病专委会 副主任委员
Diabetology Group of Shanghai Nursing Association,Vice Chairman
中华护理学会 科学传播专家
Chinese Nursing Association,Science communication
国际血管联盟(IUA)中国分会护理专业委员会 副主任委员兼心血管组组长
Nursing Professional Committee of International Vascular Union China Branch,Vice Chairman and the head of the Cardiovascular Group
白求恩精神研究会内分泌和糖尿病学分会 理事
Division of Endocrinology and Diabetes of Chinese Bethune Spirit Research Association,Member of the Council
中国康复医学会糖尿病预防与康复专业委员会 委员
Diabetes prevention and treatment committee of Chinese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine,Committee Member
上海市护理学会 健康科普专业评审专家
Shanghai Nursing Association,Popular science evaluation
上海市医学会内分泌专委会教育学组 委员
Education Group of Endocrinology Committee of Shanghai Medical Association,Committee Member
上海市心理学会护理专委会 委员
Nursing Committee of Shanghai Psychological Society,Committee Member
太阳成集团内科专委会 委员
Special Committee of Internal Medicine of Tongji University,Committee Member
东方医院糖尿病护理管理委员会 主任委员
East Hospital Diabetes Care Management Committee,Chairman
东方医院护理科普基地 执行主任
East Hospital Nursing Popularization Base, Executive Director
《中华现代护理杂志》青年专家库 成员及审稿员
Young Expert Bank of Chinese Journal of Modern Nursing,Member and Reviewer
Shanghai Journal of Nursing,Reviewer
Journal of Nursing,Reviewer
Published more than 30 papers in core journals and participated in more than 20 papers. Cumulative number of references: 134.
Deputy chief editor of 1 book, participated in the compilation of 7 books.
Participated in the compilation of two expert consensus: diabetes-related, vascular related.
The total funds for presiding over research projects and talent training projects are¥710,000, and five projects are presided over, including one academy-level project, two district-level projects, one district science and technology commission project and one city-level project.
Patents: More than 40 utility model patents and 1 invention applied for a patent.
Scientific research awards: 7 outstanding exchange of papers on diabetes nursing in the Yangtze River Delta, 5 outstanding patents; Finalists of the New District Employee Innovation Award, the second prize of the New District Government Science and Technology Innovation Award, and the Outstanding Achievement Award of Epidemic Prevention Science and Technology.