1.肿瘤液体活检:循环肿瘤细胞(CTC)、循环肿瘤 DNA(ctDNA)、 外泌体的检测纳米技术研发;2. 癌症康复治疗:针对癌症常规治疗之后的营养、情绪、免疫 系统等康复治疗研究;3. 肿瘤靶向影像: MRI、CT、超声、荧光成像等多模态医学影 像造影剂的构建及靶向诊断研究。
上海市卫计委优秀青年医学人才;太阳成集团青年岗位能手; 太阳成集团青年优秀人才培养对象; 全国卫生产业企业管理协会转化医学专家委员会委员; 全国抗衰老协会肿瘤风险评估与系统康复专委会委员;中国抗癌协会肿瘤标志物委员会 CTC 专家委员会委员;中国微循环学会转化医学专业委员会青年委员; 白求恩精神研究会检验医学分会理事; 国家/上海市老员工创新计划指导教师。
2005 年于吉林大学获学士学位,2005-2010 在浙江大学硕博连读,师从著名半导体专家阙端麟院士和杨德仁院士;2010 年获博士学位,同年进入太阳成集团,2014 年晋升为副教授,博士生导师。进入太阳成集团以来,与海外特聘教授、美籍华人科 学家崔征教授合作,在全世界首创粒细胞抗癌疗法。通过医工交叉,结合纳米技术, 开展癌症的诊断、治疗、康复研究。目前在癌症检测、粒细胞抗癌免疫治疗、营养 抗癌等方向已取得突破性进展。部分科研项目已进入临床转化阶段,并获得福建省 百人计划、福建海峡人才计划等支持。
作为项目负责人承担十余项国家及省部级科研项目,包括国家自然科学基金面 上项目、青年项目、教育部博士点基金、上海市科委生物医药科技支撑项目、上海 市科委西医引导项目、上海市卫计委优青计划、中国博士后科学基金特别资助和面 上资助项目、太阳成集团青年优秀人才培养行动计划项目等。同时作为主要研究人员 参与国家 973 项目、杰出青年项目、国家 863 项目等多项国家级项目的研究。
作 为第一作者或通信作者在 Advanced Materials(IF=25.809)、ACS Nano(IF=13.903)、 Nano Research (IF=8.515)、Theranostics(IF=8.063)等国际知名学术期刊发表论文 50 余篇,平均影响因子 5.13,总引用次数超过 1900 次,H-index 达到 19。申请国 家发明专利 8 项,已授权 5 项。
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:批准号:81772285;基于癌细胞表面电荷特性的循 环肿瘤细胞高效捕获与无损释放纳米技术在临床诊断中的应用研究;起止时间: 2018/01~2021/12
2. 上海市科委生物医药科技支撑项目:批准号:18441900300;基于新型纳米技术 的循环肿瘤细胞检测试剂盒的研发;起止时间:2018/04~2021/06
3. 上海市卫计委优秀青年医学人才计划:批准号:2017YQ051;新型循环肿瘤细胞 检测纳米技术在临床诊断中的应用研究;起止时间:2017/07~2020/06
4. 上海市科委西医引导项目:批准号:17411968700;基于癌细胞表面电荷特性新型循环肿瘤细胞检测技术在临床诊断中的应用研究;起止时间:2017/06~2020/06
5. 国家自然科学基金青年项目:批准号:51302190;新型单壁碳纳米管集成系统在 乳腺癌诊疗中的应用基础研究;起止时间:2014/01~2016/12
6. 教育部博士点基金:批准号:20130072120029;新型单壁碳纳米管集成系统在乳 腺癌诊疗中的应用基础研究;起止时间:2014/01~2016/12
7. 上海市卫计委青年科研项目:批准号:20144Y0248;用于循环肿瘤细胞快速灵 敏检测的多功能纳米试剂盒的研发;起止时间:2015/01~2017/12
8. 硅材料国家重点实验室开放课题:批准号:SKL2014-11;基于微/纳复合结构的 新型柔性纤维状光伏器件的构筑及应用研究;起止时间:2014/08~2016/07
9. 太阳成集团青年优秀人才培养计划:批准号:2012KJ022;基于新型非对称纳米结 构的痕量肿瘤细胞检测方法研究;起止时间:2012/12~2014/12
10. 中国博士后基金特别资助:批准号:2012T50435;基于新型非对称纳米结构的 痕量肿瘤细胞检测方法研究;起止时间:2012/06~2013/06
11:中国博士后基金面上项目:批准号:20100480618;基于单壁碳纳米管的纳米 集成系统的构建及其在乳腺癌诊疗中的应用研究;起止时间:2010/12~2012/12
1. M. L. Wu, T. X. Tian, C. Y. Lin, Y. C. Wang, J. Y. Chen, W. J. Le*, M. Y. Sun, J. G. Xu, H. Y. Dai, Y. F. Zhang, C. Y. Xue*, Z. M. Liu, B. D. Chen*, Melanoma Cell Membrane Biomimetic Versatile CuS Nanoprobes for Homologous Targeting Photoacoustic Imaging and Photothermal Chemotherapy, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2020, 1214:16031-16039 (IF=8.758)
2. X. Chen, T. G. Wang, W. J. Le, X. Huang, M. H. Gao, Q. Chen, S. G. Xu, D. Y. Yin, Q. G. Fu*, C.W. Shao*, B. D. Chen*, D. L. Shi, Smart Sorting of Tumor Phenotype with Versatile Fluorescent Ag Nanoclusters by Sensing Specific Reactive Oxygen Species, Theranostics 2020, 10 (8):3430-3450. (IF=8.579)
3. M. L. Wu, W. J. Le, T. X. Mei, Y. C. Wang, B. D. Chen*, Z. M. Liu, C. Y. Xue*, Cell membrane camouflaged nanoparticles: a new biomimetic platform for cancer photothermal therapy. International Journal of Nanomedicine 2019, 14:4431-4448 (IF=5.115)
4. X. Huang, W. J. Le, Q. Chen, J. Y. Chen, Y. Q. Zhu, D. L. Shi, B. D. Chen* , Z. Cui*, Suppression of the innate cancer-killing activity in human granulocytes by stress reaction as a possible mechanism for affecting cancer development. Stress 2019, DOI: 10.1080/10253890. 2019.1645112. (IF=3.102)
5. W. J. Le, B. D. Chen, Z. Cui, Z. M. Liu*, D. L. Shi*, Detection of cancer cells based on glycolytic-regulated surface electrical charges. Biophysics Reports 2019,5, 1:10-18
6. 朱欢欢,李晓峰,朱晋峰,黄鑫,何奇,陈炳地,曹玮,基于氧化石墨烯/金纳米棒的表面增强拉曼散色技术检测循环肿瘤细胞。第二军医大学学报,2019,40(6):643-650.
7. B. B. Zhang, W. Yan, Y. J. Zhu, W.T. Yang, W. J. Le, B. D. Chen*, R. R. Zhu*, L. M. Cheng*, Nanomaterials in Neural‐Stem‐Cell‐Mediated Regenerative Medicine: Imaging and Treatment of Neurological Diseases. Advanced Materials 2018, 30, 1705694 (IF=27.398)
8. X. Huang, C. Q. Fan, H. H. Zhu, W. J. Le, S. B. Cui, X. Chen, W. Li, F. Zhang, Y. Huang, D. L. Shi, Z. Cui, C. W. Shao*, B. D. Chen*, Glypican-1-antibody-conjugated Gd–Au nanoclusters for FI/MRI dual-modal targeted detection of pancreatic cancer. International Journal of Nanomedicine 2018, 13:2585-2599 (IF=5.115)
9. Y. L. Tang, L. F. Dong, S. Mao, H. B. Gu, T. Malkoske, B. D. Chen*, Enhanced Photocatalytic Removal of Tetrabromobisphenol A by Magnetic CoO@graphene Nanocomposites under Visible-Light Irradiation. ACS Applied Energy Materials 2018, 1, 2698-2708 (IF=4.473)
10. W. J. Le, B. D. Chen,, D. Maharaj, Z. Cui*, Natural cancer-killing activity of human granulocytes. Integrative Cancer Science and Therapeutics 2018, 5, 1-7
11. B. M. Sun, J. Wu, S. B. Cui, H. H. Zhu, W. An, Q. Fu, C. W. Shao, A. H. Yao*, B. D. Chen*, D.L. Shi, In Situ Synthesis of Graphene Oxide/Gold Nanorods Theranostic Hybrids for Efficient Tumor CT Imaging and Photothermal Therapy. Nano Research 2017, 10(1):37-48 (IF=8.183)
12. X. Chen, H. H. Zhu, X. Huang, P. S. Wang, F. L. Zhang, W. Li, G. Chen*, B. D. Chen*, Novel iodinated gold nanoclusters for precise diagnosis of thyroid cancer. Nanoscale, 2017, 9(6): 2219-2231(IF=6.895)
13. B. D. Chen, W. J. Le, Y. L. Wang, Z. Q. Li, D. Wang, L. Lin, S. B. Cui, J. J. Hu, Y. H. Hu, P. Y.Yang, R. C. Ewing, D. L. Shi*, Z. Cui* Targeting Negative Surface Charges of Cancer Cells by Multifunctional Nanoprobes. Theranostics 2016, 6, 11:1887-1898 (IF=8.579)
14. W. J. Le, S. B. Cui, B. M. Sun, Z. Cui, B. D. Chen*, Non-invasive in vivo targeting human pancreatic cancer by magnetic resonance imaging. Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine, 2016, 12(2):529-530 (IF=5.182)
15. F. Liu#, W. J. Le#, T. X. Mei, T. G. Wang, L. G. Chen, Y. Lei, S. B. Cui, B. D. Chen*, Z. Cui, C.W. Shao*, In vitro and in vivo targeting imaging of pancreatic cancer using a Fe3O4 @SiO2 nanoprobe modified with anti-mesothelin antibody. International Journal of Nanomedicine, 2016, 11:2195-2207 (IF=5.115)
16. W. J. Le#, S. B. Cui#, X. Chen, H. H. Zhu, B. D. Chen*, Z. Cui*, Facile Synthesis of Gd-Functionalized Gold Nanoclusters as Potential MRI/CT Contrast Agents. Nanomaterials, 2016, 6(4):65 (IF=4.324)
17.Y. L. Tang, J. L. Tian, M. Tyler, W. J. Le, B. D. Chen*. Facile ultrasonic synthesis of novel zinc sulfide/carbon nanotubes coaxial nanocables for enhanced photodegradation of Methyl Orange. Journal of Materials Science,2017, 52(3):1581-1589 (IF=3.553)
18. C. X. Peng#, B. D. Chen#, Y. Qin, S. H. Yang, S. L. Liu and J. F. Yang, Facile ultrasonic synthesis of CoO quantum dot/Graphene nanosheet composites with high lithium storage capacity, ACS Nano, 2012, 6(2): 1074-1081 (Co-First Author). (IF=14.588) (ESI)
19. B. D. Chen, H. Zhang, C. X. Zhai, N. Du, C. Sun, J. X. Xue, D. R. Yang, H. Huang, B. Zhang, Q.P. Xie and Y. L. Wu, Carbon nanotube-based magnetic-fluorescent nanohybrids as highly efficient contrast agents for multimodal cellular, J. Mater. Chem., 2010, 20(44): 9895-9902 (IF=6.626)
20. B. D. Chen*, H. Zhang, N. Du, B. Zhang, Y. L. Wu, D. L. Shi and D. R. Yang, Magnetic-fluorescent nanohybrids of carbon nanotubes coated with Eu, Gd co-doped LaF3 as a multimodal imaging probe, J. Colloid Interf. Sci., 2012, 367(1): 61-66. (IF=7.489)
21. B. D. Chen, H. Zhang, N. Du, D. S. Li, X. Y. Ma and D. R. Yang, Hybrid nanostructures of Au nanocrystals and ZnO nanorods: layer-by-layer assembly and tunable blue-shift band gap emission, Mater. Res. Bull. 2009, 44(4): 889-892. (IF=4.019)
22. B. D. Chen, C. X. Peng and Z. Cui, Facile ultrasonic synthesis of CoO/graphene nanohybrids as high performance anode materials for lithium ion batteries, T. Nonferr. Metal. SOC. 2012, 22(10): 2517−2522 (IF=2.615)
23. B. D. Chen, Y. Y. Li, B. B. Zhang, B. Zhang, Y. L. Wu and D. L. Shi, Ultraconvenient synthesis of lanthanide based magnetic-fluorescent hydrogels for multimodal cellular imaging, Adv. Mater. Res. 2011, 266, 118-121 (EI)
24. B. D. Chen, T. Zhou, B. Zhang and A. H. Yao, Novel single walled carbon nanotube based magnetic-fluorescent nanohybrids as dual-modal MRI/optical imaging probes, Adv. Mater. Res. 2012, 476-478, 1134-1137 (EI)
25. 陈炳地,单壁碳纳米管与稀土螯合物的磁性-荧光复合体系的制备及其多模成像应用研究,纳米科技,2012,9: 16-21.
26. 周雪,韩俊,吴一凡,陈炳地*,纳米技术在肿瘤靶向诊疗中的研究进展,转化医学电子杂志,2017,4(2):10-16.
27. 韩俊,周雪,吴一凡,陈炳地*,崔征,时东陆,一种用于前列腺癌细胞体外检测生物导航纳米探针的制备,第二军医大学学报,2017,38(6):715-719.
28.F. Zhang, D. Chen, Y. Wang, L. Zhang, W. Dong, J. Dai, C. Jin, X. Dong, Y. Sun, H. Zhao, K. Fan, H. Liu, B. Chen, H. Zou, W. Li. Lysosome-dependent necrosis specifically evoked in cancer cells by gold nanorods. Nanomedicine, 2017, 12(13): 1575–1589 (IF=4.3)
29. X. Han, Z. Deng, Z. Yang, Y. Wang, H. Zhu, B. Chen, Z. Cui, RC. Ewing, D. Shi. Biomarkerless targeting and photothermal cancer cell killing by surface-electrically-charged superparamagnetic Fe3O4 composite nanoparticles. Nanoscale, 2017, 9:1457-1465. (IF=6.895)
30. Z. H. Xue, T. Wang, B. D. Chen, M. Tyler, S. Yu, Y. L. Tang*. Degradation of Tetracycline with BiFeO3 Prepared by a Simple Hydrothermal Method. Materials, 2015, 8: 6360-6378 (IF=3.057)
31. Y. L. Wang, S. Liang, B. D. Chen, F. Guo, S. Yu and Y. Tang, Synergistic removal of Pb(II), Cd(II) and humic acid by Fe3O4@mesoporous silica-graphene oxide composites, PLOS ONE 2013, 8, e65634:1-8 (2013) (IF=2.74)
32. H. Lin*, K. Imakita, M. Fujii*, C. Sun*, B. D. Chen, T. Kanno, H. Sugimoto, New insights into the red luminescent bovine serum albumin conjugated gold nanospecies. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2017, 691: 860-865 (2017) (IF=4.65)
33. 卢明智,乐文俊,崔少斌,孙兵妹,陈炳地,邵成伟. Mesothelin 抗体修饰的纳米探针对人 胰腺癌细胞 BxPC3 的体外靶向研究。 中华胰腺病杂志,2014,14(6):389-391
34. N. Du, H. Zhang, B. D. Chen, X. Y. Ma, Z. H. Liu, J. B. Wu and D. R. Yang, Porous indium oxide nanotubes: layer-by-layer assembly on carbon-nanotube templates and application for room-temperature NH3 gas sensors, Adv. Mater. 2007, 19, 1641-1645 (IF=27.398) (ESI)
35. N. Du, H. Zhang, B. D. Chen, J. B. Wu, X. Y. Ma, Z. H. Liu Y. Q. Zhang, D. R. Yang, X. H. Huang and J. P. Tu, Porous Co3O4 nanotubes derived from Co4(CO)12 clusters on carbon nanotube templates: a highly efficient material for Li-battery applications, Adv. Mater. 2007, 19, 4505-4509 (IF=27.398) (ESI)
36. N. Du, H. Zhang, B. D. Chen, X. Y. Ma and D. R. Yang, One-pot, large-scale synthesis of SnO2 nanotubes at room temperature, Chem. Commun. 2008, 3028-3030 (IF=5.996)
37. B. B. Zhang, B. D. Chen, Y. L. Wang, F. F. Guo, Z. Q. Li and D. L. Shi, Preparation of highly fluorescent magnetic nanoparticles for analytes-enrichment and subsequent biodetection, J. Colloid Interf. Sci. 2011, 426-432 (IF=7.489)
38. Y. L. Wang, F. Wang, B. D. Chen, H. Xu and D. L. Shi, Facile one-pot synthesis of yolk–shell superparamagnetic nanocomposites via ternary phase separations, Chem. Commun. 2011, 47, 10350-10352 (IF=5.996)
39. N. Du, H. Zhang, B. D. Chen, X. Ma and D. R. Yang, Ligand-free self-assembly of ceria nanocrystals into nanorods by oriented attachment at low temperature, J. Phys. Chem. C 2007, 111, 12677-12680 (IF=4.189)
40. H. Zhang, N. Du, P. Wu, B. D. Chen and D. R. Yang, Functionalization of carbon nanotubes with magnetic nanoparticles general nonaqueous synthesis and magnetic properties, Nanotechnology 2008, 19, 315604-315609 (IF=3.551)
41. N. Du, H. Zhang, B. D. Chen, J. Wu, D. Li and D. R. Yang, Low temperature chemical reaction synthesis of single-crystalline Eu(OH)3 nanorods and their thermal conversion to Eu2O3 nanorods, Nanotechnology 2007, 18, 065605-065608 (IF=3.551)
42. C. X. Zhai, H. Zhang, N. Du, B. D. Chen, H. Huang, Y. Wu and D. R. Yang, One-pot synthesis of biocompatible CdSe/CdS quantum dots and their applications as fluorescent biological labels, Nanoscale Res. Lett. 2010, 6, 31-35 (IF=3.581)
43. N. Du, H. Zhang, B. D. Chen, J. Wu and D. R. Yang, Low-temperature chemical reaction routefor ZnO based sulfide coxial nanocables: general synthesis and gas sensor application, Nanotechnology 2007, 18, 115619-115625 (IF=3.551)
44. T. F. Cui, H. Zhang, N. Du, B. D. Chen, D. Li and Deren Yang, Morphology and phase selective synthesis of EuF3 nanostructures by polyelectrolyte assisted chemical reaction and their optical properties, Mater. Chem. Phys.2009, 115, 562-566 (IF=3.408)
45. H. Zhang, N. Du, B. D. Chen, T. F. Cui and D. R. Yang, Sub-2 nm SnO2 nanocrystals: a reduction/oxidation chemical reaction synthesis and optical properties, Mater. Res. Bull. 2008, 43, 3164-3170 (IF=4.019)
46. N. Du, H. Zhang, B. D. Chen, X. Ma, X. Huang, J. Tu And D. R. Yang, Synthesis of polycrystalline SnO2 nanotubes on carbon nanotube template for anode material of lithium-ion battery, Mater. Res. Bull. 2009, 44, 211-215 (IF=4.019)
47. N. Du, H. Zhang, J. Chen, J. Y. Sun, B. D. Chen and D. R. Yang, Metal oxide and sulfide hollow spheres: layer-by-layer synthesis and their application in lithium-ion battery, J. Phys. Chem. B 2008, 112, 14836-14842 (IF=2.857)
48. H. Zhang, N. Du, B. D. Chen, D. Li and D. R. Yang, Carbon Nanotube-ZnO Nanosphere Heterostructures: Low-Temperature Chemical Reaction Synthesis, Photoluminescence, and Their Application for Room Temperature NH3 Gas Sensor, Sci. Adv. Mater. 2009, 1, 13-17 (IF=1.117)
49. B. B. Zhang, H. Jin, Y. Li, B. D. Chen, S. Liu and D. L. Shi, Bioinspired synthesis of gadolinium-based hybrid nanoparticles as MRI blood pool contrast agents with high relaxivity, J. Mater. Chem. 2012, 22, 14494-14501 (IF=6.626)
50. F. Wang, Y. Tang, B. Zhang, B. D. Chen and Y. L. Wang, Preparation of novel magnetic hollow mesoporous silica microspheres and their efficient adsorption, J. Colloid Interf. Sci. 2012, 386, 129-134 (IF=7.489)