2003年毕业于中国医学科学院-协和医科大学细胞生物学博士,2004-2009年美国宾夕法尼亚大学博士后,2009-2012美国托马斯杰弗逊大学科研助理教授,2012年全职回国,担任太阳成集团高等医学研究院特聘研究员,附属东方医院转化医学研究中心主任,研究员,博士研究生导师。自2004年以来一直从事miRNA 在生物医学领域的研究。作为miRNA 的早期研究人员之一,于2005 年在Biology of Reproduction 发表了生殖生物学领域的首篇miRNA研究论文,首次从小鼠生精细胞克隆测序了29 个miRNA, 包括发现15 个新的miRNA。近年来在Cell, Nature Communications, Journal of Cell Biology , PNAS等学术期刊发表重要研究成果,论文引用率逾千次;多次应邀在miRNA、细胞生物学、癌症有关的学术会议作专题发言,为美国病理学杂志书、美国乳腺肿瘤生物学杂志等撰写miRNA和肿瘤发生的综述;参编英文专著《MicroRNAs in Cancer Translational Research》和《miRNA Function in Cancer》;获批及申报发明专利4项,国际专利一项,其中2016年获得的一项发明专利成功向企业转化,已经由企业启动产业化和市场化。主持国家自然科学基金项目、科技部973及干细胞重点专项子课题、上海市科委重点项目。
(1) 国家自然基金面上项目(81572593),2016-2019,主持
(2) 国家自然基金面上项目(81772810),2018-2021,主持
(3) 科技部干细胞专项(SQ2016ZY05002716),2016-2020,子课题主持
(4) 973项目(2012CB966800),2012-2016,骨干
(1) Meng L, et al, Yu Z*.Nature Communications. 2016. (*通讯作者IF=12.1)
(2) Deng S, et al, Yu Z*, Theronostics 2017, (*通讯作者2017 IF=8.7)
(3) Yu Z, et al. Nature Communications. 2013. (第一作者IF=12.1)
(4) Yu Z, et al. PNAS 2010. (第一作者IF=9.7)
(5) Yu Z, et al. JCB 2008. (第一作者IF=8.0)
After obtaining PhD degree in 2003 from Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, I started his first postdoctoral training at University of Pennsylvania where I focused on miRNA regulation of stem cells in germ line. Since 2006 I had been working on miRNA regulation of breast cancer at Thomas Jefferson University Kimmel Cancer center where I finished the second postdoctoral training followed by a faculty appointment in the track of research assistant professor. In 2012, I joined Tongji University Shanghai East Hospital as a full professor and PI, focusing on non-coding RNA regulation of mammary gland tumorigenesis, cancer stem cell and chemo-resistance.
My research work has generated publications in Cell, Nature communications, PNAS, Journal of Cell Biology, American Journal of Pathology, et al. My current research is supported by Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC), National Basic Research Program of China (973) and Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality.
Representative Publications:
1) Meng L, et al, Yu Z*. Nature Communications.2016.
2) Deng S, et al, Yu Z*, Theronostics 2017.
3) Yu Z, et al. Nature Communications. 2013.
4) Yu Z, et al. PNAS 2010.
5) Yu Z, et al. JCB 2008.