霍敏锋,太阳成集团特聘研究员,上海市东方英才青年项目入选者(2023),上海市青年科技启明星(2023),博士生导师,太阳成集团附属第十人民医院双聘PI。博士毕业于中国科学院上海硅酸盐研究所,师从施剑林院士,于2022年加入太阳集团电子游戏。研究工作聚焦新型生物材料的创制及其肿瘤催化治疗与组织损伤防护相关的生物医学应用及关键机制研究。截止目前在 Nature Communications(2篇), Angewandte Chemie International Edition(3篇), Advanced Materials, Matter, Advanced Functional Materials等高影响力杂志共发表论文47篇,论文总被引4139次,h指数27,入选全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单(2023)。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年基金,入选国家博士后创新人才支持计划(2020),担任BMEmat(生物医学工程材料)、Medical Military Research期刊青年编委,担任Nat. Commun., Adv. Mater.等期刊审稿人。
L. Wang, Q. Wu, Q. Lyu, D. Lu, L. Guo, C. Zhong, M. Wang, C. Liu*, B. An*, H. Xu*, M. Huo*. Genetically Designed Living Bacteria with Melanogenesis for Tumor-Specific Pigmentation and Therapeutic Intervention. Advanced Science, 2024, 2402709. 2024/6/18. IF = 14.3.
D. Lu, Q. Wu, X. Xu, Q. Lyu, C. Liu, H. Yuan, M. Huo*, H. Xu* and L. Wang*. Antioxidative single atomic nanocatalysts facilitate orally administered probiotic inulin gels for acute colitis amelioration. Nano Today, 2024, 55, 102150. 2024/1/12. IF = 13.2.
Y. Wang, S. Qiu, L. Wang, P. Ji, Y. Guo, H. Yao, C. Wei, M. Huo*, J. Shi. Catechol-Isolated Atomically Dispersed Nanocatalysts for Self-Motivated Cocatalytic Tumor Therapy. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2023, e202316858. 2023/12/14.
L. Wang, S. Qiu, X. Li, Y. Zhang, M. Huo*, J. Shi*. Myocardial-Targeting Tannic Cerium Nanocatalyst Attenuates Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2023, 62(39): e202305576. 2023/09/25.
X. Li, X. Ren, M. Xie, M. Zhu, Y. Zhang, T. Li*, M. Huo*, Q. Li*. Biominerallized Noble Metal-Based RuO2 Nanozymes Against Myocardial Ischemic/Reperfusion Injury. Advanced NanoBiomed Research, 3(5): 2200144. 2023/02/16.
P. Ji, B. An, Z. Jie, L. Wang, S. Qiu, C. Ge, Q. Wu, J. Shi, M. Huo*. Genetically engineered probiotics as catalytic glucose depriver for tumor starvation therapy. Materials Today Bio, 2023, 18: 100515. 2022/12/15.
M. Huo, Z. Tang, L. Wang, L. Zhang, H. Guo, Y. Chen, P. Gu*, J. Shi*. Magnesium hexacyanoferrate nanocatalysts attenuate chemodrug-induced cardiotoxicity through an anti-apoptosis mechanism driven by modulation of ferrous iron. Nature Communications. 2022, 13: 7778. 2022/12/15.
D. Lu, L. Wang, L. Wang, L. An, M. Huo*, H. Xu*, J. Shi. Probiotic Engineering and Targeted Sonoimmuno-Therapy Augmented by STING Agonist. Advanced Science, 2022, 9(22): 2201711. 2022/06/05.
P. Ji, S. Zhang, P. Liu, X. Li, W. Bao, X. Cui*, M. Huo*, J. Shi. Modulation of mitochondrial electron transport chain by pyroptosis for tumor destruction. Nano Today, 2022, 44: 101511. 2022/06/26.
X. Ren, D. Chen, Y. Wang, H. Li, Y. Zhang, H. Chen*, X. Li, M. Huo*. Nanozymes-recent development and biomedical applications. Journal of Nanobiotechnology, 2022, 20(1): 92. 2022/03/13.
Y. Zhang, X. Ren, Y. Wang, D. Chen, L. Jiang, X. Li, T. Li*, M. Huo*, Q. Li*. Targeting Ferroptosis by Polydopamine Nanoparticles Protects Heart against Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. 2022, 13(45): 53671-53682. 2022/02/17.
X. Li, X. Ren, Y. Zhang, L. Ding, M. Huo*, Q. Li*. Fabry disease: Mechanism and therapeutics strategies, Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2022, 13, 1025740. 2022/10/26.
P. Liu, P. Ji, L. Wang, H. Guo, M. Huo*, J. Shi*. Concurrent antibiosis and anti-inflammation against bacterial pneumonia by zinc hexacyanoferrate nanocatalysts. Biomaterials, 2022, 289: 121768. 2022/8/30.
M. Huo, P. Liu, L. Zhang, C. Wei, L. Wang*, Y. Chen*, J. Shi*. Upconversion Nanoparticles Hybridized Cyanobacterial Cells for Near‐Infrared Mediated Photosynthesis and Enhanced Photodynamic Therapy. Advanced Functional Materials, 2021, 31(16): 2010196. 2021/4/15.
Z. Tang#, M. Huo#, Y. Ju, X. Dai, N. Ni, Y. Liu, H. Gao, D. Zhang, H. Sun, X. Fan*, Y. Chen*, P. Gu*. Nanoprotection Against Retinal Pigment Epithelium Degeneration via Ferroptosis Inhibition. Small Methods, 2021, 5(12): 2100848. 2021/11/18.
H. Chen, X. Li, M. Huo*, L. Wang, Y. Chen*, W Chen, B. Wang*. Tumor-responsive copper-activated disulfiram for synergetic nanocatalytic tumor therapy. Nano Research, 2021, 14: 205-211. 2020/10/06.
P. Liu, M. Huo*, J. Shi*. Nanocatalytic Medicine of Iron-Based Nanocatalysts. CCS Chemistry, 2020, 3(2): 2445-2463. 2021/2/1.
S. Sun, Y. Song, J. Chen, M. Huo*, Y. Chen*, L. Sun*. NIR -I and NIR-II irradiation tumor ablation using NbS2 nanosheets as the photothermal agent. Nanoscale, 2021, 13(43): 18300-18310. 2021/11/11.
F. Qi, P. Ji, Z. Chen, H. Yao, M. Huo*, J. Shi*. Photosynthetic Cyanobacteria-Hybridized Black Phosphorus Nanosheets for Enhanced Tumor Photodynamic Therapy. Small, 17(42), 2102113. 2021/10/21.
L. Wang, D. Lu, M. Huo*, H. Xu*. Oligomycin A Induces Apoptosis-to-Pyroptosis Switch against Melanoma with Sensitized Immunotherapy. Advanced Functional Materials, 2021, 32(4): 2106332. 2021/10/12.
X. Li, Y. Zhang, X. Ren, Y. Wang, D. Chen, Q. Li*, M. Huo*, J. Shi. Ischemic Microenvironment-Responsive Therapeutics for Cardiovascular Diseases. Advanced Materials, 2021, 2105348. 2021/12/29.
M. Huo, L. Wang, L. Zhang, C. Wei, Y. Chen*, J. Shi*. Photosynthetic Tumor Oxygenation by Photosensitizer‐Containing Cyanobacteria for Enhanced Photodynamic Therapy. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2020, 59(5): 1906-1913. 2020/1/27.
M. Huo, L. Wang, Y. Chen*, J. Shi*. Oxygen Pathology and Oxygen Functional Materials for Therapeutics. Matter, 2020, 2 (5): 1115-1147. 2020/5/6.
M. Huo, L. Wang, Y. Chen*, J. Shi*. Nanomaterials/Microorganism-integrated Microbiotic Nanomedicine. Nano Today, 2020, 32: 100854. 2020/6/1.
J. Zuo, M. Huo*, L. Wang, J. Li, Y. Chen*, P. Xiong*. Photonic hyperthermal and sonodynamic nanotherapy targeting oral squamous cell carcinoma. Journal of Materials Chemistry B. 2020, 8: 9084-9093. 2020/08/21.
M. Huo, L. Wang, Y. Wang, Y. Chen* and J. Shi*. Nanocatalytic Tumor Therapy by Single-Atom Catalysts. ACS Nano. 2019, 13(2), 2643-2653. 2019/2/12.
M. Huo, L. Wang, H. Zhang, L. Zhang, Y. Chen* and J. Shi*. Construction of Single-Iron-Atom Nanocatalysts for Highly Efficient Catalytic Antibiotics. Small. 2019, 15(31): 1901834. 2019/8/2.
M. Huo, L. Wang, Y. Chen* and J. Shi*. Tumor-selective catalytic nanomedicine by nanocatalyst delivery. Nature Communications. 2017, 8: 357. 2017/08/25.
M. Huo, Y. Chen* and J. Shi*. Triggered-release drug delivery nanosystems for cancer therapy by intravenous injection: where are we now? Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery. 2016, 13(9): 1195-1198. 2016/9/1.
1. 霍敏锋,王俪营,徐宣寿,一种介孔钛酸钡纳米材料及其制备方法和应用,ZL202311639378.1
2. 霍敏锋,冀鹏豪,施剑林,一种硅化钙纳米片材料及其制备方法和应用,ZL202311346346.2