国家杰青,国家优青,“长江学者”青年学者。太阳成集团医学经理聘特聘教授、博导。太阳成集团附属养志康复医院(上海市阳光康复中心)副经理,上海市残联智能康复辅助器具与技术重点实验室 常务副主任。《BONE》和《Bone Reports》期刊 Editorial Board Member;上海市细胞生物学会 副理事长;中华医学会骨科青年委员会基础学组 副组委;中国老年学会和老年医学学会老年病学分会骨科专家委员会 秘书长;中国抗癌协会肿瘤微环境专业委员会青委 副主任委员。
Professor of Tongji University School of Medicine. Vice President of Shanghai Yangzhi Rehabilitation Hospital affiliated to Tongji University (Shanghai Sunshine Rehabilitation Center). Executive deputy director of Shanghai Disabled Persons
罗剑教授主要从事干细胞与退行性骨疾病研究,目前已在Nat Med,Nat Commun,Sci Adv,JCI,JNCI等期刊发表高水平研究论文80余篇。获得授权专利14项,其中4项已转让,获得候选药物1个。2017年获上海市科技进步一等奖和中华医学会骨科学分会(COA)骨科基础青年研究奖一等奖。承担了9项国家自然科学基金(含重大项目1项,国际合作1项,人才项目2项)和2项国家重点研发计划课题,作为学术骨干承担了3项国家重点研发计划/973计划。
Prof. Jian Luo focuses on Stem Cell and Degenerative Bone Disease, and have published more than 80 research articles in Nat Med, Nat Commun, Sci Adv, JCI, JNCI and other journals. His 14 patents have been granted, four of which have been transferred. Prof. Luo won the First Prize of Shanghai Science and Technology Progress Award and the First Prize of Orthopaedic Foundation Youth Research Award of Orthopaedic Youth Committee of the Chinese Medical Association. He hosted 9 grants from National Natural Science Foundation of China and 2 grants from National Key Research and Development Program of China.