郑加麟,医学博士,特聘教授,博士生导师,国家重大科学研究计划项目(973)首席科学家。 现任太阳集团电子游戏经理,曾任太阳成集团医学与生命科学部主任,美国内布拉斯加州大学医学中心学术协理副董事长,研究生院副经理。 在科研学术方面,长期致力于巨噬细胞和神经小胶质细胞在中枢神经退行性疾病中的作用及其机制研究,并着重探索诱导性多能干细胞及诱导性神经干细胞对这些退行性疾病的潜在应用价值。主要研究方向包括:(1) 神经干细胞再编程及神经退行性疾病的干细胞治疗{阿尔茨海默病(AD)和帕金森病(PD)};(2) 谷氨酰胺䩈调控外泌体释放机制及干细胞与神经细胞网络及环路的调控;(3)神经退行性疾病{阿尔茨海默病(AD)和帕金森病(PD)}中神经环路的免疫调控及功能研究。十余年获得美国国立卫生研究院(NIH) 二个R01和一个P01 (Program Project) 项目的连续资助,所在实验室年资助金额100万美元。已在许多国际学科专业杂志上发表140余篇研究论著,包括Neuron、Stem Cells、Journal of Neuroscience、Journal of Immunology等国际期刊,论文被引用次数5647次,H-index指数44,i10指数91。作为首席科学家主持“干细胞研究”国家重大科学研究计划1项,承担国家自然科学基金项目重点项目1项、海外及港澳学者合作研究基金1项。获中国发明专利授权2项、申请国际PCT专利1项。2005年荣获内布拉斯加大学Gilmore杰出青年科学家奖,2008年荣获美国内布拉斯加州长Dave Heineman“Marshall” 奖及内布拉斯加大学杰出科学家奖,2019年荣获太阳成集团教育发展基金优秀工作者。担任Transl Neurodegen(2018年IF:5.872)、 Curr Mol Med杂志副主编、美国国立卫生研究院 (NIH) “神 经内分泌及神经免疫”和 “干细胞及细胞命运”专家组成员、中国国家自然科学 基金委员会生命科学部及医学部重点项目 “神经及心理学科评审专家组”特邀 终审专家、医学中心国际联盟(AAHCI)指导委员会成员、教育部教指委委员、教育部临床医学专业认证专家、上海市医学会医学教育专科分会第七届委员会副主任委员、中国康复医学会康复教育高校工作委员、中国教育国际交流协会国际 医学教育分会第一届理事会理事、中国医学模拟教学联盟成员、中国整形美容协 会干细胞研究与应用分会理事。同时担任国际知名学会委员(美国神经科学协会, 美国微生物协会,国际神经化学协会,国际神经病毒协会,美国免疫协会,国际神经毒性协会, 国际神经免疫药理学协会、国际神经免疫协会等)。
2.科技部 国家重大科学研究计划 (1500万)
巨噬细胞及神经小胶质细胞在中枢神经退行性疾病中的作用及机制 (1-2)
中脑多巴胺神经元前体细胞的转分化及其治疗帕金森疾病的研究 (3-6)
1. Lu Dǂ, Xu Xǂ, Li Cǂ, Wang Y*, Xia X*, Zheng JC*. Glutaminase in microglia: a novel regulator of neuroinflammation. Brain Behav Immun. Online.
2. Xia Xǂ*, Wang Yǂ, Zheng JC*. The microRNA-17~92 family as a key regulator of neurogenesis and potential regenerative therapeutics of neurological disorders. Stem Cell Rev Rep.2020; Online
3. Fu S, Wang Y, Xia X*, Zheng JC*. Exosome engineering: current progress in cargo loading and targeted delivery. Nanoimpact. 2020; Online
4. Xia Xǂ, Li Cǂ, Wang Y, Deng X, Ma Y, Ding L, Zheng JC*. Reprogrammed astrocytes display higher neurogenic competence, migration ability and cell death resistance than reprogrammed fibroblasts. Transl. Neurodegener.2020; 9:6
5. Gao Gǂ, Li Cǂ, Zhu Jǂ, Wang Y, Huang Y, Zhao S, Ji C, Li C, Sheng S, Yang X, Ye L, Qi X, Zhang Y, Xia X*, Zheng JC*. Glutaminase 1 regulates neuroinflammation after cerebral ischemia through enhancing microglial activation and pro-inflammatory exosome release. Front. Immunol. 2020; 11:161
1.Yi Wang, Jie Yin, Guoyu Wang, Pingping Li, Guoqiang Bi, Suning Li, Xiaohuan Xia, Jianren Song, Gang Pei*, Jialin C. Zheng*.Responsibility and sustainability in brain science, technology, and neuroethics in China-from a culture-oriented perspective. Neuron. 2019 Feb 6; 101(3):375-379. dio: 10.1016/j.neuron.2019.01.023. (*co-correspondence authors).
2.He M, Zhang H, Li Y, Tian C, Tang B, Huang Y*, Zheng JC*. Direct and selective lineage conversion of human fibroblasts to dopaminergic precursors. Neuroscience Letter. 2019 Jan 18;699:16-23. doi: 10.1016/j.neulet.2019.01.033. (*co-correspondence authors).
3.Ma Y, Wang K, Pan J, Fan Z, Tian C, Deng X, Ma K, Xia X*, Huang Y*, Zheng JC*. Induced neural progenitor cells abundantly secrete extracellular vesicles and promote the proliferation of neural progenitors via extracellular signal-regulated kinase pathways. Neurobiology of disease. 2019 Apr;124:322-334. doi: 10.1016/j.nbd.2018.12.003.(*co-correspondence authors).
4.Gao G, Zhao S, Xia X, Li C, Li C, Ji C, Tang Y, Sheng S, Zhu J, Wang Y*, Huang Y*, Zheng JC*. Glutaminase C regulates microglia activation and pro-inflammatory exosome release: relevance to the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease. Front. Cell. Neurosci. 2019. In press. doi: 10.3389/fncel.2019.00264. (*co-correspondence authors).
1.Ma K, Deng X, Xia X, Fan Z, Qi X, Wang Y, Li Y, Ma Y, Chen Q, Peng H, Ding J, Li C, Huang Y*, Tian C*, Zheng JC*. Direct conversion of mouse astrocytes into neural progenitor cells and specific lineages of neurons. Translational Neurodegeneration. 2018 Nov 5;7:29. (*co-correspondence authors).
2.Miao He, Hainan Zhang, Yuju Li, Guangshun Wang, Beisha Tang, Jeffrey Zhao, Yunlong Huang, Zheng JC*.(2018). Cathelicidin-derived antimicrobial peptides inhibit Zika virus through direct inactivation and interferon pathway. Frontiers in Immunology. 2018 Apr 12;9:722. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2018.00722. (*co-correspondence authors).
3.Huang, Y., Li Y., Zhang H., Zhao R., Jing R., Xu Y., He M., Peer J., Kim Y.C., Luo J., Tong Z., Zheng JC*.(2018). Zika virus propagation and release in human fetal astrocytes can be suppressed by neutral sphingomyelinase-2 inhibitor GW4869. Cell Discovery. 4(1):1-16. (*co-correspondence authors).
4.Wu, B., Liu, J., Zhao, R., Li, Y., Peer, J., Braun, AL., Zhao, L., Wang, Y., Tong, Z., Huang, Y*, Zheng JC*.(2018). Glutaminase 1 Regulates the Release of Extracellular Vesicles during Neuroinflammation through Key Metabolic Intermediate Alpha-Ketoglutarate. Journal of Neuroinflammation. 2018 Mar 14;15(1):79. doi: 10.1186/s12974-018-1120-x. (*co-correspondence authors).
1.Zhang M, Qiu L, Zhang Y, Xu D*, Zheng, JC*, Jiang L*. (2017). CXCL12 enhances angiogenesis through CXCR7 activation in human umbilical vein endothelial cells. Sci Rep. 2017 Aug 15; 7(1):8289. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-08840-y. PMID: 28811579. (*co-correspondence authors).
2.Wang Y, Li Y, Zhao R, Wu B, Lanoha B, Tong Z, Peer J, Liu J, Xiong H, Huang Y*, Zheng, JC*. (2017). Glutaminase C overexpression in the brain induces learning deficits, synaptic dysfunctions, and neuroinflammation in mice. Brain Behav Immun. 2017 Jun 15. pii: S0889-1591(17)30196-4. doi: 10.1016/j.bbi.2017.06.007. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 28624534. (*co-correspondence authors).
3.Xu P, Wang Y, Qin Z, Qiu L, Zhang M, Huang Y*, Zheng, JC*. (2017). Combined Medication of Antiretroviral Drugs Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate, Emtricitabine, and Raltegravir Reduces Neural Progenitor Cell Proliferation In Vivo and In Vitro. J Neuroimmune Pharmacol. 2017 Jul 22. doi: 10.1007/s11481-017-9755-4. [Epub ahead of print]. PMID: 28735382. (*co-correspondence authors).
4.Wang, K.., Ye, L., Huang, Y*. and Zheng, JC*.(2017). TNF-α promotes extracellular vesicles release in mouse astrocytes through glutaminase. J. Neuroinflammation 2017 Apr 20;14(1):87. doi: 10.1186/s12974-017-0853-2. PMID: 28427419. (*co-correspondence authors).
5.Li, Y., Peer, J., Zhao, Y., Xu, Y., Wu, B., Wang, Y., Tian, C., Huang, Y*., and Zheng, JC*. (2017). Serial deletion reveals structural basis and stability for the core enzyme activity of human glutaminase 1 isoforms: relevance to excitotoxic neurodegeneration. Translational Neurodegeneration 2017 Apr 20;6:10. doi: 10.1186/s40035-017-0080-x. eCollection 2017. PMID: 28439409. (*co-correspondence authors).
6.Yang Z, Liu Y, Ahn J, Qiao Z, Endres JL, Gautam N, Huang Y, Li J, Zheng, JC, Alnouti Y, Bayles KW, Li R. (2017). Novel fluorinated pyrrolomycins as potent anti-staphylococcal biofilm agents: Design, synthesis, pharmacokinetics and antibacterial activities. Eur J Med Chem. 2016 Nov 29;124:129-137. doi: 10.1016/j.ejmech.2016.08.017. Epub 2016 Aug 12. PMID: 27565555
1.Smith, D.K., He, M., Zhang C.L., and Zheng, JC. (2016). The therapeutic potential of cell identity reprogramming for the treatment of aging-related neurodegenerative disorders. Prog Neurobiol. 2016 Feb 1. pii: S0301-0082(15)30067-8. doi: 10.1016/j.pneurobio.2016.01.006
2.Wang, Y., Xu, P., Huang, Y. and Zheng, JC. (2016). CXCR7 Participates in CXCL12-mediated Cell Cycle and Proliferation Regulation in Mouse Neural Progenitor Cells. Current Molecular Medicine. 16(8):738-746.