第一负责人承担国家自然基金1项,上海市卫计委课题1项,上海市科委“扬帆计划”1项,太阳成集团青年优秀人才培养项目1项,上海市肺科医院院级课题2项。发表论文20余篇,其中以第一作者发表高影响因子SCI论文4篇,包括国际著名杂志《Am J Respir Crit Care Med》、《Eur Respir J》、《Hypertension》等。参编《肺血管疾病经典病例解析》等多部著作。2013年获得太阳成集团优秀博士学位论文奖。2016年获得中华医学会呼吸病学会“高影响因子呼吸学术论文奖”,以及上海市肺科医院“优秀青年医师”称号。2020年获得ATS国际会议travel award。
Principal in projects supported by the Young Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China, Young clinical Research Program of Shanghai Municipal Health Commission, YangFan Program of Shanghai Science and Technology Committee, Outstanding Young Scientist Program of Tongji University and Programs of Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital. Published more than 20 papers, including 《Am J Respir Crit Care Med》, 《Eur Respir J》, 《Hypertension》 and so on. Participated in the writing of the book 《Typical Cases of Pulmonary Vascular Diesease》. She won Excellent Doctor Degree Dissertation in Tongji University in 2013, "High Impact Factor Respiratory Academic Paper Award" of the Chinese Medical Association Respiratory Diseases Association in 2016, Excellent Young physician in Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital in 2017, the title of "Outstanding Young Doctor" in Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital in 2020, and the ATS International Conference Travel Award in 2020.