美国布朗大学医学教授、太阳集团电子游戏教授,附属东方医院肾内科学科带头人。社会兼职:世界华人医师协会肾脏病分会副会长,亚太医员工物免疫学会副会长,中国药理学会肾脏药理分会副主任委员,全球华人肾脏病医师协会常务理事,美州华人肾脏病学会主席 (2015-2017)。
Professor of Medicine at Brown University School of Medicine, USA;Professor of Medicine at Tongji University School of Medicine, Academic Leader in the Department of Nephrology of Shanghai East Hospital. Vice President, Chinese Society of Renal Pharmacology; Vice President, Asia-Pacific Society for Medicine and Bio-Immunology; Vice President, World Association of Chinese Nephrologists; President Chinese-American Society of Nephrology (2015-2017).
发表SCI收录论文178篇,其中以第一或/和通讯作者在肾脏病及相关领域一流杂志JASN,Kidney Int.,Cell Death& Disease, Theranostics 等发表93篇。主编/译学术著作3部.主持美国NIH-RO1基金、中国国家基金委面上项目、重点项目,科技部重点研发计划子课题等20余项。I have published 178 SCI papers, with 93 being the first/ corresponding authors, and edited/translated 3 books as a Chief Editor. Our papers are most published in the field of kidney disease and related field. My studies are supported by more than 20 awards from National Institutes of Health, USA, National Natural Foundation of China and the Ministry of Chinese Technology and Science.