(1) 高尿酸痛风肾病发病机理
Pathogenesis of Hyperuricemia and Gouty Nephrology
(2) 百草枯中毒患者的血液净化治疗
Blood Purification of Patient with Paraquat Poisoning
① 太阳成集团附属第十人民医院肾脏风湿科主任,教授(Professor with tenure, Chief of Consultant Physician, Dept. of Nephrology & Rheumatology, Shanghai Tenth People's Hospital of Tongji University);
②上海市肾脏病学会委员(Elected member, Shanghai Society of Rheumatology);
③上海风湿病学会委(Elected member, Shanghai Society of Nephrology);
④国际中毒体外治疗工作组专家成员(Active member,Extracorporeal Treatment in Poisoning (EXTRIP) workgroup);
⑤上海市肾脏病质控委员(Member, Medical Quality Control of Nephrology, Shanghai Society of Nephrology);
⑥中国毒理学会中毒与救治专业委员会常委(Standing Committee of the Professional Committee on Poisoning and Rescue of the Chinese Society of Toxicology)
以负责人承担863基金1项、国家自然科学基金(NSFC) 多项。发表论文57 篇,第一或通讯作者在Kidney Int. Crit Care Med.等SCI收录43篇,已获国家实用新型和发明专利各1项
Dr. Peng Ai has majored in Blood Purification of Patient with Paraquat Poisoning and Pathogenesis of Hyperuricemia and Gouty Nephrology, organizes and carries out a series of national medical research projects, such as NSFC and “863” projects. He published more than 40 SCI papers including Kidney Int or Crit Care Med and had two national patents.