Cell signaling and translational research on complex diseases
1. Using novel transdifferentiation / reprogramming technology to establish human disease model and use thereof to explore the pathogenesis mechanisms and new therapeutic strategies.
2. Cellular membrane protein complexes as the novel targets against a new target for Alzheimer's disease and related drug discovery
3. Systematic (multi-targets) therapeutic strategies for complex neuropsychiatric disorders.
Principle investigator, Division of Translational medicine, Institute for Advanced Study, Tongji University
Director, Stem cell core facility, Shanghai East Hospital
Deputy director, Translational Medical Center for Stem Cell Therapy, Shanghai East Hospital
1996年毕业于复旦大学遗传学及遗传工程系获学士学位,1999年于中科院上海细胞生物学研究所获细胞学硕士学位,2000年9月赴德留学,2004年以全优最高分(summa cum laude)毕业于德国海德堡大学(The Ruperto-Carola University of Heidelberg)生物学系获理学博士学位。2007-2016年在中科院上海生科院生化细胞所任副研究员。2015年6月起承担太阳成集团附属东方医院干细胞制备质检平台GMP规范化建设。2016年加入太阳成集团转化医学高等研究院。已在国际知名专业学术刊物上已发表论文39篇,其中通讯作者17篇,第一作者13篇,第一作者和通讯作者论文总影响因子IF超过200,第一作者单篇最高他引297,通讯作者单篇最高他引96,第一作者与通讯作者论文总他引近两千次,科学家影响力H-index为20。已申请发明专利12项,其中国际发明专利4项,已有4项获得中国发明专利授权,1项获得美国发明专利授权。2007年入选上海市浦江人才计划。2011年获上海市科技进步一等奖。2015年获中华医学科技奖二等奖。
Major scientific contributions:
We are focusing on the molecular mechanisms of signal transduction pathways involved in the cell reprogramming and transdifferentiation and the use there of in neurodegeneration diseases. The substantial progress of my research work includes: the establishment of a series of in vitro transdifferentiation system using small molecules, novel strategies against the Alzheimer’s disease by promoting neurogenesis, specifically inhibit amyloid generation by targeting holo secretase complexes, etc. I have published 24 research articles in prestigious peer-reviewed journals as corresponding author or first author. I have finished 11 applications for invention patents, four of which have been authorized by China, one by the United States. Since June 2015, I lead the GMP core facility for Stem Cell Engineering, Translational Medical Center for Stem Cell Therapy, Shanghai East Hospital, School of Medicine, Tongji University. 8 clinical trails of stem cells application are being developed on our platform. I have been awarded for Pujiang Talent (2007), Shanghai Scientific