焦虑抑郁障碍的精神病理机制和优化治疗The neurocognitive mechanism and optimized therapy for mood disorder and anxiety disorder
太阳成集团附属同济医院精神医学科副主任上海市精神卫生中心临床五科副主任中国医师协会精神科医师分会第5届委员会委员上海市医师协会精神科医师分会第2届委员会委员兼秘书西部精神医学协会重性精神障碍委员会常委Vice Director of Dept. of Psychiatry, Tongji Hospital, Tongji UniversityVice Director of Dept. of Clinical Psychiatry, Shanghai Mental Health CenterCommittee member, the 5th Committee of Chinese Psychiatric AssociationCommittee member & secretary, the 2nd Committee of Shanghai Psychiatric Association
作为第一作者、共同第一作者或通讯作者发表SCI系列和国内核心期刊20余篇,参编著作多部;曾获得上海市科技进步奖三等奖(2017)。More than 20 papers were published as the first author or co-first author in the national core journals or SCI series ones. He also coedited 4 reference books. He also was awarded Shanghai Prize for Progress in Science and technology as 3rd level.