1. 人工智能辅助超声自动诊断系统的研究 2. 靶向超声造影的基础及临床研究 3. 甲状腺等肿瘤转移机制的研究 4. 超声引导肿瘤精准微创治疗研究 1. Research on artificial intelligence assisted automatic ultrasonic diagnosis system 2. Basic and clinical research on targeted ceus 3. Mechanism of thyroid tumor metastasis 4. Study on ultrasound-guided precision and minimally invasive treatment of tumors
解放军总医院第一医学中心超声科主任、主任医师、教授、博士生导师。 北京超声医学学会理事长; 中国医师协会超声医师分会总干事兼团队建设与管理委员会主任委员; 中国研究型医院学会超声医学专业委员会主任委员; 中国医学影像质量研究会超声专委会主任委员; 中国医学影像技术研究会超声分会腹部学组 组长; The first medical center of PLA general hospital ultrasound department director, chief physician, professor, doctoral supervisor. President of Beijing ultrasonic medical society; Director general of ultrasonic physician branch of Chinese medical doctor association and chairman of discipline construction and management committee; Chairman of ultrasonic medicine committee of Chinese research hospital association; Chairman of ultrasonic special committee of China medical image quality research association;
先后承担国家自然、科技部、北京市及军队重点课题13项,发明专利7项,发表论文100余篇,2011年获军队科技进步一等奖。 To undertake key projects of the ministry of nature, Ministry of Science and Technology, Beijing municipality and the army a total of 13 7 invention patents Published more than 100 papers First prize for military science and technology progress in 2011