1、中华医学会结核病分会影像专业委员会委员Member of the Imaging Committee of the Tuberculosis Branch of the Chinese Medical Association;
2、中华医师协会放射医师分会互联网+影像专委会委员Member of the Internet Imaging Committee of the Radiologist Branch of the Chinese Physicians Association;
3、科技部国家重点研发计划政府间合作项目评委 Judge of the Intergovernmental Cooperation Project of the National key R & D Plan of the Ministry of Science and Technology;
4、教育部学位中心博士论文评委Judge of doctoral thesis of the degree Center of the Ministry of Education;
5、教育部科技管理信息系统专家Expert in Science and Technology Management Information system, Ministry of Education;
6、国家自然基金同行评议专家National Nature Fund Peer Review Expert;
7、国家科学技术进步奖评委National Science and Technology Progress Award Committee;
8、太阳集团电子游戏影像医学与核医学系副主任Deputy Director, Department of Imaging Medicine and Nuclear Medicine, School of Medicine, Tongji University;
9、上海市中西医结合学会影像分会委员 Member of the standing Committee of the Image Branch of Shanghai Integrated traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Society;
10、上海市高级职称评定委员会影像专业评委Image Professional judges of Shanghai Senior Professional title Evaluation Committee;
11、上海市教育人才中心高校教团队格评委Shanghai Education Talent Center College Teacher Qualification Judge;
12、上海市医疗事故鉴定委员会评委Judge of Shanghai Medical malpractice Appraisal Committee;
13、上海市医师学分会放射与和核医学分会委员Member of radiation and Nuclear Medicine Branch of Shanghai Physicians Credit Association;
14、上海感染与炎症影像专委会副主委Vice Chairman of Shanghai Special Committee on infection and inflammation Imaging;
15、上海市医学会放射学分会人工智能学组委员Member of artificial Intelligence Section, Radiology Branch of Shanghai Medical Association;
16、上海市肺科医院放射科副主任Deputy Director, Radiology Department, Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital;
17、上海市肺科医院联合教研室副主任Deputy Director, Joint Teaching and Research Department, Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital;
代表性论文 Representative paper :
(1) Wang, Bin#; Tang, Yuhong#; Chen, Yinan; Hamal, Preeti; Zhu, Yajing; Wang, TingTing; Sun, Yangyang; Lu, Yang; Bhuva, Maheshkumar Satishkumar; Meng, Xue; Yang, Yang; Ai, Zisheng; Wu, Chunyan*; Sun, Xiwen*; Joint use of the radiomics method and frozen sections should be considered in the prediction of the final classification of peripheral lung adenocarcinoma manifesting as ground-glass nodules. Lung Cancer, 2020, 139: 103-110;
(2) She, Yunlang#; Zhang, Lei#; Zhu, Huiyuan; Dai, Chenyang; Xie, Dong; Xie, Huikang; Zhang, Wei; Zhao, Lilan; Zou, Liling; Fei, Ke; Sun, Xiwen*; Chen, Chang*; The predictive value of CT-based radiomics in differentiating indolent from invasive lung adenocarcinoma in patients with pulmonary nodules. European Radiology, 2018, 28(12): 5121-5128;
(3) Chen, Yanqing#; Yang, Yang#; Ma, Longbai#; Zhu, Huiyuan; Feng, Tienan; Jiang, Sen; Wei, Youyong; Wang, Tingting; Sun, Xiwen*; Prediction of EGFR mutations by conventional CT-features in advanced pulmonary adenocarcinoma. European Journal of Radiology, 2019, 112: 44-51;
(4) Mao Haixia; Labh Kanchan; Han Fushi; Jiang Sen; Yang Yang; Sun Xiwen*; Diagnosis of the invasiveness of lung adenocarcinoma manifesting as ground glass opacities on high-resolution computed tomography. Thoracic Cancer, 2016, 7(1): 129-135;
(5) Sun X#; Zhang X#; Chen X; Zhang P; Bao M; Zhang D*; Chen J; He S; Hu X; Age-dependent brain activation during forward and backward digit recall revealed by fMRI. Neuro Image, 2005, 26(1): 36-47.
科研项目 Scientific research project:
1、上海市科学技术委员会,上海市自然科学基金面上项目,19ZR1443100,基于影像组学和深度学习联合模式的人工智能诊断技术对早期肺腺癌的病理分期诊断及术中指导价值研究,201907-202206,20万,在研,主持 ;
2、上海市肺科医院,临床研究重点项目,fk18007,人工智能分析模型对肺磨玻璃结节分类鉴别及病理分期的价值研究,201901-202202,50万,在研,主持 ;
3、上海市申康医院发展中心,上海申康团队建设项目,SHDC22015037,胸部CT体检筛查后原位癌识别方法的关键技术研究, 201601-201812,15万 ,已结题,主持;
4、 太阳成集团,太阳成集团研究生院2016国际学术论坛项目,2016 GJXSLT-010,定量医学图像特征分析研究的新趋势,201601-201612,11万,已结题,主持 ;
5、上海市科学技术委员会,上海白玉兰人才基金,11BA1409800,CAD在MR诊断脑微小结节中的应用,201106-201205,1.5万,已结题,主持 ;
6、国家自然科学基金委员会,国家自然科学基金面上项目,081071213,基于磁共振的兔肺动脉高压定量评价研究,201101-201112,10万,已结题,主持 ;
7、中国博士后基金委员会,复旦大学太阳集团电子游戏博士后基金,003277,早期肺癌的CAD辅助诊断,2009-2010,3万,已结题,主持 ;