近三年承担国家自然科学基金2项,2022年入选上海市青年科技启明星,获浦东新区“优青”及太阳成集团优青人才项目资助。相关成果获浦东新区科技进步奖二等奖,上海市医学会青年学者,优秀青年科研成绩奖等。近五年发表SCI文章20余篇,相关工作发表在Cancer Res,Cell Death & Des等国际知名期刊。
(3)浦东新区青年优秀人才计划,PWRq2020-02 ,2021/01-2023/12,9万元
(4)太阳成集团青年优秀人才计划,22120180597,肺肿瘤中谷胱甘肽和谷氨酸代谢异 常的机制及临床应用研究,2019/01-2020/12,2.5万元
(1) W Guo#, K Li#, B Sun#, D Xu, L Tong, H Yin. et.al Dysregulated Glutamate Transporter SLC1A1 Propels Cystine Uptake via Xc- for Glutathione Synthesis in Lung Cancer. Cancer Res. 2021 Feb 1;81(3):552-566.
(2) J Wu#, H Mu#, X Wan, W Guo*. Studying the effects of booster shots and antibody responses to the SARS-CoV-2 vaccination over time in health personnel. Front. Cell. Infect. Microbiol. 2023 13:1138631.
(3) W Dong#, M Hu#, W Guo#, J Wu, Y Wu. Multi-SUMOylation of NAC1 is essential for the growth of prostate cancer cells. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 641 (2023) 148e154.
(4) W Guo#, Y Kuang#, J Wu#, D Wen#, A Zhou, Y Liao. et.al Hexokinase 2 Depletion Confers Sensitization to Metformin and Inhibits Glycolysis in Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Front. Oncol. 2020 Jau 13. 10:53.
(5) W Guo #, M Hu #, J Wu #, A Zhou, Y Liao, H Song. et.al Gprc5a depletion enhances the risk of smoking-induced lung tumorigenesis and mortality. Biomed Pharmacother. 2019 Mar 19;114:108791.
(6) W Guo#, S Yu#, G Li, Q Xuan, S Yang, D Wen*, W Wu*. The analysis of characteristics of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in clinically COVID-19 patients. J Clin Res Ophthalmol. 2020 7(2): 081-086.
(7) Y Kuang #, W Guo #, J Ling #, D Xu, Y Liao, H Zhao.et.al Iron-dependent CDK1 activity promotes lung carcinogenesis via activation of the GP130/STAT3 signaling pathway. Cell Death Dis. 2019 Apr 1;10(4):297.
(8) L Wang #, W Guo #, H Shen, J Guo, D Wen, Y Yu*, W Wu*. Plasma Microbial Cell-Free DNA Sequencing Technology for the Diagnosis of Sepsis in the ICU. Front Mol Biosci. 2021 May 28;8:659390.
(9) Hu M#, Guo W#, Liao Y, Xu D, Sun B, Song H. et.al Dysregulated ENPP1 increases the malignancy of human lung cancer by inducing epithelial-mesenchymal transition phenotypes and stem cell features. Am J Cancer Res. 2019 Jan 1;9(1):134-144.
(10) Li K#, Guo W#, Li Z, Wang Y, Sun B, Xu D. et.al ALDH2 Repression Promotes Lung Tumor Progression via Accumulated Acetaldehyde and DNA Damage. Neoplasia. 2019 Jun;21(6):602-614
(11) Wu J #, Guo W #, Wen D #, Hu G, Zhou A, Wu W *. Deubiquitination and stabilization of programmed cell death ligand 1 by ubiquitin-specific peptidase 9, X-linked in oral squamous cell carcinoma. Cancer Med. 2018 Aug;7(8):4004-4011.
(12) Sun B#, Guo W#, Hu S, Yao F, Yu K, Xing J. et.al Gprc5a-knockout mouse lung epithelial cells predicts ceruloplasmin, lipocalin 2 and periostin as potential biomarkers at early stages of lung tumorigenesis. Oncotarget. 2017 Feb 21;8(8):13532-13544.