1. 太阳成集团附属杨浦医院普外科副主任、减重与糖尿病外科主任、肝胆胰外科主任
2. 太阳成集团附属杨浦医院外科教研室主任
3. 中国研究型医院学会肥胖与糖尿病外科专业委员会委员
4. 上海市中西医结合学会外科专业委员会常务委员
5. 上海市医学会外科专业委员会减重与代谢外科学组委员
6. 上海市中西医结合学会微创外科专业委员会委员
1.Deputy director,Department of general surgery;Director of the obesity and diabetes surgery;Director of Hepatopancreatobiliary Surgery,Yangpu Hospital, Tongji University.
2.Director,Department of the Surgical teaching and research section,Yangpu Hospital, Tongji University.
3.Member of Chinese Research Society of Hospital Obesity and Diabetes Surgery Professional Committee
4.Member of Shanghai Association of Integrative Medicine Surgery Professional Committee Standing Committee
5.Member of Shanghai Medical Association Professional Committee of Weight Loss Surgery and Metabolic Surgery Group.
6.Professional committee member of Shanghai association of traditional Chinese and western medicine combined with minimally invasive surgery