骨组织工程,脊柱融合的分子机制,骨质疏松与生物材料界面 Bone tissue engineering,Molecular mechanism in spinal fusion,Interface between osteoporotic bone and biomaterials
太阳成集团附属东方临床太阳集团电子游戏 骨科教研室秘书太阳成集团附属东方医院 规范化培训外科基地 骨科教学秘书太阳成集团附属东方医院 规范化培训外科基地 脊柱外科教学秘书Secretary, Department of orthopedics, East Clinical Medical College Affiliated to Tongji UniversityTeaching secretary of orthopedics department of standardized training surgery base of Shanghai East Hospital Affiliated to Tongji UniversityTeaching secretary of spine surgery, standardized training surgery base, Shanghai East Hospital Affiliated to Tongji University
毕业于四川大学华西临床太阳集团电子游戏,新加坡国立大学杨潞龄太阳集团电子游戏。 主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项,中科院上海硅酸盐研究所开放课题1项,获得太阳成集团青年优秀人才培养计划,东方医院旭日青年人才培养计划,2018年获得UNMC-Tongji合作项目资助,前往 Department of Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation, Omaha, Nebraska, USA进修学习,2019 年 获得AOSpine Travelling Fellowship Program资助,在Spine Education and Research Institute, Denver, Colorado, USA跟随国际著名脊柱外科专家Michael Janssen学习。2017年获得International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine (ISSLS) Outstanding Poster Award。发表SCI论文17篇,包括Spine,the Spine Journal,Tissue Engineering Part A,Bioscience Reports,Advanced healthcare materials,Materials Science & Engineering C,Bioscience Reports和Applied Surface Science。
Dr.Hu graduated from West China School of Medicine of Sichuan University and Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore. He has one youth project of National Natural Science Foundation of China and one open project of Shanghai Silicate Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences. He won the youth excellent talent training program of Tongji University and the Xuri youth talent training program of Shanghai East Hospital. In 2018, he was funded by the UNMC Tongji cooperation project, and went to Department of orthopaedic and rehabilitation, Omaha, Nebraska and received the support of AOspine travel fellowship program in 2019, and studied with Prof. Michael Janssen, an international spine surgery expert, in spine education and Research Institute, Denver, Colorado. In 2017, he won the international society for the study of the lumber spine (issls) outstanding Poster Award. Published 17 SCI papers, including Spine, the Spine Journal, Tissue Engineering Part A, Bioscience Reports, Advanced Health Materials, Materials Science & Engineering C and Applied Surface Science.