膀胱癌临床研究及分子机制研究(clinical research and molecular mechanism of bladder cancer) 前列腺癌早期诊断和预后分子瘤标研究(the mechanism for early diagnosis and prognosis markers of prostate cancer) 前列腺癌发生发展基础研究(basic research for the occurrence and development of prostate cancer).
现任太阳成集团附属第十人民医院泌尿外科主任(Director of Urology, Department of Shanghai Tenth People's Hospital, Tongji University School of Medicine);
中华医学会泌尿外科分会肿瘤学组委员(Member of Oncology Group of Urology branch of Chinese Medical Association);
《中华泌尿外科杂志》常务编委(Standing Member of 《Chinese Journal of Urology》);
上海市医学会男科分会委员会副主任委员(Vice President of Andrology branch of Shanghai Medical Doctor Association);
中国临床肿瘤学会(CSCO)尿路上皮专家委员会常务委员、前列腺癌疾病委员(Standing Member of Urothelium Expert Committee and Member of Prostate Cancer Committee, Chinese Society Of Clinical Oncology(CSCO);
中国医师协会男科学会肿瘤学组委员(Member of Oncology Group of Andrology branch of Chinese Medical Doctor Association);
上海市泌尿外科学会委员肿瘤学组副组长(Vice director of Oncology Group and Member of Shanghai Urology Society);
上海市医师学会泌尿外科分会委员兼秘书(Member and secretary of Urology branch of Shanghai Medical Doctor Association);
上海市社会医疗机构泌尿外科学会副主任委员(Vice President of Shanghai Society of Urology of Social Medical Institutions);
中国医师学会内镜学会委员(Member of Chinese Endoscopist Association);
中国医师协会上海市整合医学委员(Shanghai Integrative Medicine Committee of Chinese Medical Doctor Association);
上海市医疗事故鉴定委员会专家(Expert of Shanghai Medical Malpractice Appraisal Committee);
上海市自然基金委员会评审专家(Evaluation Expert of National Natural fundation of Shanghai);
美国泌尿外科协会国际委员(International Member of American Urology Association)、欧洲泌尿外科协会委员(Member of European Association of Urology);
JCO中国版杂志编委(Editorial board member of 《Journal of Clinical Oncology》Chinese edition);
《中华肿瘤杂志》、《中华实验外科杂志》、《中国癌症杂志》等杂志审稿专家。(Reviewer of Chinese Journal of Oncology, Chinese Journal of Experimental Surgery, China Oncology, etc)
Professor Yao received 2 grants from National Natural Fund and 7 grants from Shanghai Science and Technology Commission. He has published more than 80 papers, including more than 50 SCI articles, of which as the first author and corresponding author published more than 30 SCI articles. He has written five books and won seven national and provincial science and technology progress awards. Professor Yao trains graduate students for 9 years, 12 doctoral students and 13 master’s degree students, among which 12 graduate students graduated and 13 graduate students are currently studying.