5)近3年担任5个SCI期刊的审稿人: Obesity (影响因子9.3), Aging-US(影响因子5.9), Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology (影响因子4.9), Frontiers in Genetics (影响因子4.8),及Reproductive Sciences (影响因子2.9)的审稿人。
I completed my PhD and postdoctoral research at the University of Adelaide in Australia from Oct 2010 to Jan 2016, and my thesis was awarded the Dean’s Commendation for Doctoral Thesis Excellence of the University of Adelaide in 2014. Currently I am undertaking one research project. I have attended international conferences on ten occasions, in which I delivered six oral presentations and four poster presentations. I have published 40 papers, 21 of which were included in SCI journals, and I was the first author or correspondent author in 17 papers (highest IF 12.1). I am a registered reviewer for five SCI journals, including Obesity (IF 9.3), Aging-US (IF 5.9), Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology (IF 4.9), Frontiers in Genetics (IF 4.8), and Reproductive Sciences (IF 2.9).
3)2019年度上海市科委医学引导类科技支撑项目(19411960500;项目名称:卵巢低反应人群应用时差成像(time-lapse imaging)与传统培养箱行胚胎培养的活产率比较:随机对照(RCT)研究;直接费用:20万元),已结题
Representative publications:
1)Qiaoyu Chen, Dan Zhou, Changxin Wang, Mingming Ye, Yanping Jia, Binya Liu, Orhan Bukulmez, Robert J. Norman, Hanxin Hu, Shu‐Biu Yeung, Xiaoming Teng, Wenqiang Liu#, Miaoxin Chen#. The adverse effects of vitrification on mouse embryo development and metabolic phenotype in offspring. FASEB J. 2024 Jan;38(1):e23372. (Impact factor 4.8).
2)Jiani Sun*, Mengsong Sui*, Tao Wang*, Xiaoming Teng, Jing Sun#, Miaoxin Chen#. Detection and quantification of various microplastics in human endometrium based on laser direct infrared spectroscopy. Science of The Total Environment. 2024 Jan 1:906:167760. (Impact factor 9.8).
3)Lulu Geng*, Yan Yang*, Yifeng Chen, Tingting Ye, Andong Qiu, Orhan Bukulmez, Ben W Mol, Robert J Norman, Xiaoming Teng#, Jianjun Xiang#, Miaoxin Chen#. Association between ambient temperature exposure and pregnancy outcomes in patients undergoing in vitro fertilization in Shanghai, China: a retrospective cohort study. Human Reproduction, 2023 Dec 38(12):2489–2498 (Impact factor 6.1).
4)Yanping Jia*, Wenqiang Liu*, Dandan Bai, Yalin Zhang, Yanhe Li, Yingdong Liu, Jiqing Yin, Qiaoyu Chen, Mingming Ye, Yanhong Zhao, Xiaochen Kou, Hong Wang, Shaorong Gao#, Kunming Li#, Miaoxin Chen#. Melatonin supplementation in the culture medium rescues impaired glucose metabolism in IVF mice offspring. Journal of Pineal Research. 2022 Jan;72(1) :e12778. (IF 12.08)
5)Pengcheng Kong†, Mingru Yin†, Chuanling Tang†, Xiuxian Zhu, Orhan Bukulmez, Miaoxin Chen*, Xiaoming Teng*. Effects of early cumulus cell removal on treatment outcomes in patients undergoing in vitro fertilization: a retrospective cohort study. Frontiers in Endocrinology. 2021 May 7: 12:669507.(IF 5.55)
6)Wenming Shi*, Chunyan Sun*, Qiaoyu Chen*, Mingming Ye, Jianing Niu, Zhenzhen Meng, Orhan Bukulmez, Miaoxin Chen#, Xiaoming Teng#. Association between ambient air pollution and pregnancy outcomes in patients undergoing in vitro fertilization in Shanghai, China: A retrospective cohort study. Environment International. 2021 Mar;148:106377(IF 9.62)
7)Miaoxin Chen, Linda Wu, Junli Zhao, et al. Altered glucose metabolism in mice and humans conceived by in-vitro fertilization (IVF). Diabetes. 2014 Oct; 63(10): 3189-98.(IF 8.5)