肿瘤细胞信号传导Cancer cell signal transduction;肿瘤免疫治疗Cancer Immunol-therapy
太阳成集团附属第十人民医院肿瘤科主任;太阳成集团癌症中心常务副主任;中国医药生物技术协会副理事长;中国医药教育协会盆腔肿瘤专业委员会主任委员;上海市抗癌协会肿瘤免疫治疗专业委员会候任主任委员,等。Director of Oncology Department, Shanghai Tenth People
以第一及通讯作者在《Oncogene》、《STTT》等杂志发表SCI文章60余篇;主编专著两部、参编统编教材《肿瘤学》;获中华医学会、教育部、上海市医学会、上海市科委、解放军等多项医疗科技奖项。As the first and corresponding author published more than 60 SCI apaperes in ONCOGENE and STTT,etc. and edited two monographs and a textbook of Oncology Won The Chinese Medical Association, Ministry of Education, Shanghai Medical Association, Shanghai Science and Technology Commission, the PLA and other medical science and technology awards.